A universe governed by the dreams and wishes of its people, created by powerful beings born between the stars with the power to mold reality with their own wants and whims. Known simply as the Great Beasts, they have long since taken a step back to sleep soundly within their cradles so that their greatest creation—mortalkind of all shapes and sizes—may flourish beneath the stars they call home.
The Dreamscape is vast, with adventure and intrigue around every corner. From the fathomless oceans of the planets to the silvered sea of stars and moons—and even farther beyond—there are people with many, many tales to tell. As such, this is more of an anthology of stories and worldbuilding rather than one singular main story and world. Some tales and characters may belong to something big and grand, while others are simply there to have a good time and be a fun little slice of life. My current primary focus lies with three settings/groups: A primarily oceanic planet full of mystery and ancient secrets known as Argonautica, the logs and exploratory data from a group of spacefaring rabbits known as the Lunar Commission, and a liminal purgatory that is the resting place of a comatose Great Beast known as the In-Between.
- There's other planets and realms aside from the main three currently here! It's just that these three are currently my main focus.
- The world as a whole is inspired by some incredibly impressive and unholy mix of LittleBigPlanet, a sprinkling of Funger(?!), and Lunacid. The less you think about the logistics the better. It gets weird. It gets really weird.
- Also don't question why or how the backrooms are here. I'm not entirely sure either.
- Please play Lunacid. Please.
Click an image above!
Click on one of the images above to see a brief summary of the setting! Greyed out images can still be clicked on, but don't have any pages beyond that yet. Or you can just click on the setting name to get right into it, I won't stop you, kupo!
Due to the Dreamscape's nature of being more of a collection and anthology of several different but still interconnected worldbuilding and story projects, it's far easier for me to split things up and have the base page of the world act as its own directory of sorts! Think of it kind of like the Final Fantasy series: There's no one true default setting or story, rather several different settings that all follow the same set of universal rules. Just instead of chocobos and moogles being a universal constant, its rabbit people and mutated fish.
Beneath this section are links to the compendium of the sapient species of the world, along with a glossary containing most of the general lingo used in both specific settings and as overarching terms. Check it out if you're feeling a bit lost or confused, or if you just want to know about the funny fish and the lore tidbits you get when you flip to the back of the book to read the glossary.
...What are you waiting for?Argonautica
That lake... a revered presence once slept deep within...
A heavily populated water world within the Greater Cetacea Nebula, Argonautica is a place full of people and promise. Its population primarily split between the harsh Northern continent and the relaxed Southern continent, much of the planet's surface is covered in an impossibly massive and deep ocean. Home to all kinds of unique life hailing from the sea, it is also the resting place of one of the Great Beasts known as The Fathomless—the creator and beast of seas all across the cosmos, and the life that lurks within.
Beneath its sandy beaches, ice-choked fjords, and churning waters lies centuries of mystery, intrigue, and long-forgotten secrets. What of the frozen oil fields and ruins of the north that chokes the life and mind of all who gaze upon them? Or perhaps the haunted cenotes dotting the southern jungles? The lives of those living in the metropolis of Portsend, the wizened and hardy nomads who inhabit the bones of the Old Ocean, or the ones left behind after an entire province of the northern continent vanished overnight? The ocean's secrets have lasted for eons, but it's long past due for its truths to be dredged from unfathomable depths.
back ...Anchors aweighThe Lunar Commission
I too have felt the pull of this place, though now I sit before it I find myself hesitant to descend. Is it fear I wonder, or something else that holds me back?
While most of the Great Beasts are content with their children firmly upon solid ground (or at the very least, planetside), The Boundless felt differently. Feeling that the cosmos that he created was made to be seen and walked upon, it gifted the children of the beasts the spark of curiosity, the drive to discover, and the will to learn. And from this, the distant moons and stars would finally be known.
Of all the mortalkind in the Dreamscape, none are more advanced and ambitious than the Lunaridae. Said to be The Boundless's love for the stars it was born between taken form, they have made it their live's mission to catalogue and explore every inch and corner of the galaxy, leaving no asteroid or speck of stardust unturned. Being the only spacefaring people, it can get lonely amidst the silver sea of space and stars, but they trek ever onwards and ever upwards, until the universe is known and all of the Great Beasts' creations are acknowledged and observed with the awe and respect that they deserve.
back ...take the leapThe In-Between
Hello, hello! What a thrill this is, to find such warm comfort amidst the den of beasts.
A twisting labyrinth of liminality and dim buzzing, the In-Between is an infinate purgatory for those who slip through the cracks of reality. Those who find themselves here will lose themselves, wandering the shadowed halls until no one is left to remember them. The people who manage to hang onto what remains of their memories claw tooth and nail at misguided attempts to escape... until one lost soul decides that perhaps the answer lies not in finding the end, but in building a new beginning.
Within the In-Between one will find themself unable to sleep as they slip further and further into the death throes of the dying Great Beast that lies at the heart of the labyrinth. Once known as The Endless, it has been forgotten and abandoned by its fellow Great Beasts, left to rot in a state of hypnagogia until all of reality crumbles to dust. There may be a way, however, to restore it to some semblance of health. To allow it to peacefully sleep and in turn allow the wanderers of the In-Between their own dreams. A way to live again—a way to turn even just a fraction of this realm of death and isolation into a haven for those who were once forgotten.
back ...Close your eyes and drift away